

Priapus--the Greek god of fertility...from where we get the word "priapism"

priapus-(lower case) synonym for penis

Priapus Shot® procedure--a very specific way for isolateing autologous platelet-rish plaasma (and other blood-derived growth factors) and injecting this isolate in a very specific way for homologous use to improve the health and function of the penis. The procedure was conceived and designed by Dr. Charles Runels in 2010 (the first to use PRP for treatment of erectile dysfunction); he registered his idea with the US Patent and Trademark Office at that time. The procedure has been investigated and confirmed by over 2,000 physicians in over 50 countries over the past decade (the Cellular Medicine Association). Much more research needs to be done.

P-Shot® procedure--abbreviation for Priapus Shot® procedure

Bocox™--the use of Botox in the penis (with a very specific method) to improve sexual function in men

All information gathered from priapusshot.com/members/. Please visit their website for more information.

Who can have it?

Men who have Erectile Dysfunction.

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What is the pain level?

Pain 3-5. Topical and Lidocaine block are used.

How long do the results last?

Results can be noted within three months and last up to 18 months. This can be repeated every three months to get optimal results. There may be some variation in achieving the results requested as every man’s body type is different and may have a slightly different response.

Are there any side effects?

The primary risks and discomforts are related to the blood draw and potential for bruising at the site. The injections at the treatment locations will feel about like a regular shot (a small needle is used). There is a potential for a small bruise at the injection sites. The risk of scarring is very minimal (about 10% of patients). Smokers have less positive response to this treatment than non-smokers.