Feel Flawless

  • Quality Products
  • Trained Professionals
  • Lasting Results


The provider will assess each client to determine how many units would be effective for muscle strength. It is recommended that there be a follow up appointment two weeks later if an enhancement is needed. Dose equals duration, therefore it may require more units the next time to ensure the longevity and desirable effects of neurotoxins.

Featured Services:

frientened to fresh faced

Frightened to Fresh Faced

By injecting neurotoxins into the vertical muscles this allows the stubborn wrinkles to relax and overtime it can improve the appearance.
fine feet

Fine Feet

Crows Feet
Orbicularis Oculi muscle
all flip no flop

All Flip No Flop

Lip Flip
Neurotoxins injected around the lips to soften the muscle. This allows the lips to flip out looking fuller and fabulous.
famous rbf

Famous "RBF"

11’s-Glabellar Complex
Say goodbye to your “RBF” with neurotoxins. Injecting them into the complex allows for you to talk with your mouth and not with your wrinkles.
faithful function

Faithful Function

Masseter Muscle
The masseter is one of the strongest muscles in our body. Over time it can be linked to bruxism (grinding teeth). Simple injections on each side of the jaw can help grinding teeth as well as slimming a square jawline.


flat to flirtatious

Flat to Flirtatious

A little lip filler goes a long way to making lips fuller and flirtatious. Adding vertical height, fierce borders and unforgettable cupid's bow!
forgiving of the frowns

Forgiving of the Frowns

Best non-surgical injectable treatment to instantly smooth the lines and wrinkles by adding to lost volume making the wrinkles disappear before your eyes.